Sapsasa Sports

City South Soccer

Congratulations to the City South Sapsasa soccer team who made 3rd place in the recent competition.

This was the very first time the City South team had made it to top 3 which is an amazing achievement for them. Coach Alexander from Forbes school worked well with the girls and they learnt so much from him. The girls really enjoyed competing in this event

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On Wednesday 9th August a hardy group of athletes took to the courts to represent Mitcham Primary School in the SAPSASA basketball tournament held at Wayville. The girl's team was represented by Summer B, Giselle F, Kaitlyn B, Clarrie H, Lucy B, Emily B, Piper M and Riley G. Our goal for this was to firstly have fun and secondly try their hardest, and better our previous results by winning 2 games!! The girls did this in spades. We had such a fun day being a team and learning new skills. As the day progressed, they improved in the ball handling, game play and team effort. All the girls should be so proud of how they played and how they represented our school. Not bad for some of the group who had never really dribbled a ball, let alone against some pretty stiff competition and shooting into a basketball ring while someone is trying to grab the ball from you. Well done girls, you were awesome!! - Mrs O

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The Yr 5/6 Boys' SAPSASA basketball team played amazingly against their opponents across the day. They sank a lot of baskets and managed to win 5 out of 7 of their games. They came 5th overall in the competition. Great team work and skills shown, boys! - Mr Ebert