Governing Council

Roles and Responsibilities of Governing Council

As part of its roles and responsibilities, Governing Council is expected: 

To determine the views of the local community regarding the educational needs of the school and to advise the Principal of these views and needs. 

To advise the Chief Executive, through the Principal of matters relating to buildings, grounds and equipment.

To plan and manage the school finances, which includes approving amendments to the budget and approving fund-raising and sponsorship initiatives. Council is responsible for planning and management of a number of specific aspects of the school program. These include: - The school canteen - Leasing of the school premises and facilities to groups not associated with the school community

To employ persons (other than teachers and SSOs) as members of the staff of the school on terms and conditions approved by the Chief Executive. At Mitcham Primary School this is the Canteen Manager.

To provide advice to the Principal on curriculum matters

The Role of Sub-Committees

Our Governing Council and Sub-committees work collaboratively to improve education, safety and wellbeing outcomes for all children in the school.

General Guidelines

1. It is not feasible for all matters to be fully discussed by the Governing Council due to the volume of decision making undertaken.

2. The use of subcommittees, both standing committees and short-term ad-hoc committees convened for a special purpose is essential.

3. Governing Council must delegate, and express mutual trust and respect in other members, to develop recommendations for discussion at Council, in which they have not been personally involved.

4. Sub-Committees do not have the authority to act on their own behalf unless this power has been given to them by Council prior to the action taken.

5. The functions of sub-committees and the authority which they exercise on behalf of the Council should be documented and understood by members. It is imperative that proper reporting and approval mechanisms exist. Minutes of all meetings should be made and a written report should be submitted to Council at least once a term.

6. Sub - Committees shall be appointed by Council at its first meeting for the year, or as necessary.

7. Membership of sub-committees should not be confined to members of the Governing Council. Each sub-committee may be made up of interested members of the whole school community. At least one Governing Councillor should be on the committee and report to Council. Council shall appoint a convenor for each sub-committee.

8. Governing Council and Sub-committees should inform and invite the involvement and participation of the school community in decision making.

9. Governing Council and Sub-committees should inform and invite the involvement and participation of the school’s Student Representative Council (SRC) Executive and the SRC where appropriate.

Terms of Reference

The Grounds, Facilities, Environment and Sustainability sub-committee of Governing Council is charged with the responsibility to: 

establish a work priorities program for the year, make recommendations to the Finance Committee on expenditure required to fund the annual program as part of the budget process in November 

monitor and advise on planned projects relating to grounds, fixed assets and equipment 

respond to ad hoc initiatives as required 

inform parents of developments within the school and organise ‘working bees’ as required 

ensuring all changes result in an improvement to students education and wellbeing 

work to reduce the negative environmental impact of MPS and encourage environmentally aware behaviours within the school community – with reference to the KESAB WOW goals of reduce, recycle, compost 

to consider positive environmental value of ground works 

report regularly to the Governing Council.


The Grounds and Facilities sub-committee consists of the following members: 

Governing Council representative (Convenor) 

Member of leadership 

Representative of teaching staff 

Parent representatives

Student representatives (SRC)

The subcommittee will meet at least four times a year.

Terms of Reference

The canteen sub-committee of Governing Council is charged with the responsibility and in conjunction with the school and appointed staff: 

manage and monitor the financial performance of the canteen

monitor compliance with relevant food and safely legislation

manage development of appropriate menus

manage replacement of relevant equipment and policies regarding daily operations of the canteen

facilitate the interaction with the wider school community on the operations of the Canteen

report regularly to Governing Council.


Canteen Manager

Governing Council representative (Convenor)

Member of leadership

Parent representatives

SRC Representatives

The subcommittee will meet at least four times a year.

Terms of Reference

The Mitcham Primary School Governing Council (Council) has engaged a third party (Happy Haven) to operate the OSHC service at Mitcham Primary School. The OSHC Advisory Committee (Committee) performs and important role in supporting Council in the proper governance of the OSHC service.

The Committee makes recommendations to the Governing Council for its approval or endorsement (ratification), and does not make decisions or act on behalf of the service without council approval. Any determination, recommendation, request, requirement or consent made by or given by the Committee must be pursuant to a resolution made by the Committee at a meeting when a majority of the members present vote in favour of the resolution.


Membership of the OSHC Advisory Committee is open to all parents using the service. Parents are to be actively encouraged to join.

Members of the Committee will each be appointed or elected for a term of one year. If a casual vacancy occurs the party responsible for appointing the person to the position which has become vacant must promptly appoint another person to fill the vacancy. The Principal will be the Chairperson of the Committee.

The quorum for all meetings of the Committee will be four members, but must include the representative of the OSHC Provider. If the Chairperson of the Committee is not present at a meeting then the members of the Committee present at that meeting will appoint a chairperson for that meeting from any of the members present. In the event a majority vote is not reached, the chairperson will have the casting vote.

The Committee will appoint a person to act as secretary to carry out the secretarial requirements of the Committee.

Membership of the OSHC Advisory Committee will include: 

the Principal (Chair of the Committee) 

two members of governing council (Convenor)

two parents whose children use the service 

the Director of the OSHC Service (Happy Haven)

Mitcham Program Director of the OSHC Service (Happy Haven)

Membership may also include:

Happy Haven Assistant Coordinator

Additional parent representatives

Happy Haven staff are actively encouraged to attend meetings, however have no voting rights on the committee.


The OSHC Advisory Committee is charged with the responsibility, in conjunction with appointed staff, to: 

provide input into the operation of the OSHC service;

monitor the fee structure and any increase in fees;

monitor the use of resources and finances;

monitor enrolments and the needs of the OSHC service;

resolve issues of dispute between the parties,

undertake an annual review of the OSHC Provider’s compliance with the KPIs,

undertake an annual survey to assess student, parent and Council’s satisfaction of the OSHC service, and

carry out all such further matters as may be referred to it by the parties.


The Committee will meet at least twice per School Term (or more regularly as agreed) to ensure that the operation of the OSHC service is meeting the needs of the school community and that any issues that arise are addressed to the satisfaction of all parties.

Committee meetings will be held prior to school governing council meetings.

At each meeting the Committee will review the report provide by the OSHC service provider.

The Convener will provide a copy of the provider’s report and a record of the Committee’s meetings to Council.

Terms of Reference

The education sub-committee of Governing Council is charged with the responsibility, in conjunction with teaching staff, to:

provide a forum for parent involvement in the development of school policies 

foster debate and understanding on aspects of curriculum development and learning frameworks

provide a forum for parent and community input into teaching and learning priorities and student wellbeing

provide an avenue for increasing and maintaining community knowledge of current education practices and their application to our school e.g. organise educational and wellbeing information sessions

provide input into Mitcham Primary School strategic and site learning plans

report regularly to the Governing Council.


Governing Council representative (Convenor)

Member of leadership

Parent representatives

The sub-committee will meet at least once per term.

Terms of Reference

The After Hours Sport sub-committee of Governing Council is charged with the responsibility, in conjunction with appointed staff, to: 

establish programs for after hours sport each year and prepare a sport fee structure for presentation to Governing Council. 

ensure the coaches names are presented to Council for ratification and that they have a current police check prior to the development of the sporting team 

inform parents of activities through the School Newsletter

prepare and review policies associated with sport 

liaise between sporting teams and the school. 

engage the support of parents to manage the sporting teams

report regularly to the Governing Council.


Governing Council representative (Convenor)

Member of leadership 

Representative of staff

Parent representatives

The subcommittee will meet at least four times a year.

Terms of Reference

The Finance subcommittee of the Governing Council is charged with responsibility to: 

Advise and monitor expenditure and income for the School and Governing Council businesses;

Report regularly to Governing Council on finance matters including, but not limited to, performance of programs and Governing Council businesses; 

Collect budget data from groups within the School community;

Prepare a draft budget showing anticipated income and expenditure and funds held for approval by Governing Council;

Present an approved budget showing anticipated income and expenditure and funds held for approval by Governing Council;

Assist in monitoring the global budgeting process;

Provide advice to Governing Council and other Subcommittees as requested.


Treasurer of Governing Council (Convenor) 

Principal and Deputy Principal 

School Finance Officer

Governing Council Representative(s)

Representative(s) of Teaching Staff 

Parent Representative(s)

The Finance subcommittee meets at least once per term.

Terms of Reference

The Fundraising subcommittee of the Governing Council is charged with the responsibility to: 

Foster the involvement of parents in all aspects of school life 

Organize and support fundraising events to assist in school development

Engage the school community in fun social events to enhance the interaction of parents in the school

Provide social and friendly interactions for members of the school community


The Fundraising subcommittee consists of:

Governing Council representative (Convenor)

Member of leadership 

Parent representatives

The Fundraising subcommittee meets at least twice per term.