2024 Festival of Music

On Monday the 9th of September, Mitcham Primary School's year 6 choir performed at the Festival Theatre as part of the Festival of Music.

It was a tremendous success!
Not only did all of our students sing beautifully, but they also conducted themselves, (pun intended) in line with Mitcham Primary School's core values.
Here are a couple of photos of them enjoying the fruits of six months worth of work. In the onstage photo we're in the back row, so you'll have to squint.



Well done choir kids!

Special mention to Django Gurry & Curtis Niumeitolu for successfully auditioning for the 'Rhythmic Rumblers'! They are a drum troupe who opened 6 of the 11 concerts with live jungle drums.
It was fanTAStic!!!" 

Josh Fielder, Performing Arts Teacher