From the Library 2024 Term 1 Week 3

Welcome to the Library

Hello and welcome back everyone! For those who are new to Mitcham, the library is located in the Tutt building and is open to students from 8:35am to 3:15pm, but closed during recess time. The library is a welcoming place where students are able to read, borrow books, play with puzzles, colour or create Lego masterpieces.

Borrowing Books

Teachers have booked a time to bring their classes in for weekly borrowing lessons however students may come in before school or during lunch times to do additional borrowing. Students from Reception to Year 2 are able to borrow up to four books, and students from Year 3 to Year 6 may borrow up to six. Books are borrowed for two weeks, and after that they will fall overdue and need to be returned before any more borrowing can occur.

Overdue books

We would much rather students be able to continue borrowing than be worrying about a book they can’t find. Parents, please, if you or your child are concerned about any books that are overdue or lost, contact Vasi in the library on While we expect students to treat our library books with care, we do understand all sorts of things can happen. Overdue notices will be sent directly to the parent email you have nominated for receiving notices. Years 3-6 students have a school email address to which we will also send overdue notices.


Premier’s Reading Challenge

Teachers have distributed these forms in the classroom. When completed, reading challenge forms should be handed in person to Vasi or Sunyoung in the library. The library has spare forms if required. We have an excellent range of the Premier’s Reading Challenge books and we are always happy to help students locate them. The PRC website at has online lists you can check from home. In the Library these books can be identified by the coloured stickers on the books’ spine. Reception to Year 2 students have red stickers, Year 3-5 have green stickers and Year 6 books have yellow stickers. The Premier’s Reading Challenge concludes on 6 September.

Book Club

Our school is participating in Scholastic Book Club again this year. Once a term, during the school year, I will send home a Club catalogue with a different selection of books offered for all ages. You will find award-winning books and bestsellers, as well as old and new favourites. Each order helps earn free books and teaching materials for our library, however there is never any obligation to order.

It is easy to order. The Book Club LOOP platform for parents allows you to pay by credit card. Your child’s order is submitted directly to school safe and sound and the books will be delivered to class. You can place your child’s order at or using the LOOP app, which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. Only orders requested and paid for online via LOOP will be accepted. We are unable to accept cash, cheque or credit card payments to the school. The first catalogue was sent home last week.

Yours in reading - Vasi and Sunyoung