Parent Representatives

Parent representatives are important components of the supportive learning culture at Mitcham Primary School. 

Each class 'elects' one or more Parent Representative early in the year, often at Acquaintance Night. 

The representatives provide a link between teachers and the parents. They are invaluable as sources of support, consultation, and feedback for teachers and leadership.

The role of the Parent Representatives may differ from class to class, but could include the following:

• Supporting the teacher and the culture of the school and class
• Establishing a class communication list
• Welcoming new parents to the class
• Contacting parents for special events
• Assisting other bodies in the school e.g. School Council Sub-Committees
• Welcoming and farewelling families or teachers
• Attending information and question sessions with the principal/leadership team

Some Parent Representatives choose to:

• Organise occasional class social functions
• Assist with class support of fundraising activities

Class Parent Representatives are highly valued by the school community, as they are invaluable and promote a strong school community.