National Simultaneous Storytime
On Wednesday 29th May, most of our classes participated in National Simultaneous Storytime. This is an annual event where children across the globe read the same story at the same time. This year’s book was Bowerbird Blues by Aura Parker and it was read by over 2 million kids around the world.
Classes enjoyed the story and followed up with a variety of art activities.
Some classes listened to Aura read it live from the Sydney Zoo and followed an art activity, while others watched a recording of the staff at Singapore Zoo read it to their resident sloths Indigo and Bubba. After reading the story, classes participated in a number of activities.
Collage Competition
We ran a school-wide competition with students creating their own Bowerbird nests! There were so many great entries and it was really tricky to choose a winner. The lucky students were Milla from N3 and Lucy from T7. Thank you to all the students who participated!
Yours in reading,
Vasi and Sunyoung

Our R-2 SRC reps have been working on building community connections. In our latest meeting we discussed and brainstormed what community is, and why we think making connections in our community is important. As part of our focus, we have connected with Calvary Kingswood, which is one of our local residential aged care homes.
We have been designing and making painted rocks to gift the residents, in hopes it brings them some joy and to show our appreciation of the wonderful people that live within our community. When talking about why the gift would be something small, Hasandi suggested, “It could be because from small things, big things can happen!’
Last week was CANTEEN week which celebrates our valuable canteen staff and volunteers. We were given some beautiful cards and pictures by some of the classes in the school which made us feel special and we thank them for their wonderful efforts. We have them displayed on the walls inside the canteen (as below). Please feel free to drop into the canteen to see for yourselves, you are very welcome.
Have a great weekend.
Anita, Ann & Kerry
Just a quick reminder about the importance of keeping your child at home when they're feeling unwell. There is a lot of illness in our community at the moment, which spreads quickly amongst students and teachers and impacts the learning environment. If your children are unwell, staying at home helps them recover more quickly, and also protects our school community. Thank you for your understanding and support!

State Australian Rules Football Carnival
Congratulations to Lucas A, Nate G, Jonah S, Tyler H, Edward F and Jimmy A for their 2nd place finish at the State Football Carnival in Week 5.
Australian Rules Football
Our boys side travelled to Hectorville Sports Club on Tuesday June 4th to play their first round matches against Highgate School and Magill School. Under coach Lachlan Norman the boys played tremendously winning both matches and showed excellent teamwork with everyone kicking a goal by the end of the day. We now look forward to our second round match up later in the term.
Mitcham 20.10. 130 v Highgate 0.1 1
Mitcham 26.11. 167 v Magill 0.0. 0
Clint Rowland - PE Teacher
Wow! What a surprise for the year 2 basketball team.
Adelaide 36'ers legend Mark Davis came out to training to give the team some tips for their first basketball season and share some of his experiences.
This was an amazing experience for all the players, who are all enjoying playing basketball.

In week 10 of last term, year 5 students attended Mitcham Girls High School to view their Year 11 drama performance, Candy Dreams. We visited again recently, in Week 6, this time to view Mean Girls, which was scripted and performed by the Year 9 drama students.
These students tailored their scripts to suit our Year 5 audience and made design and performance choices to specifically appeal to our students. A special thank you to Ms Kate Ralph, MGHS, for continuing to welcome us as audience members to their annual Drama productions. We value this connection with other schools in our local community. We were also delighted to attend Unley High School to view the Year 9 production of Ten Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse. Thank you to Ms Kimberly Mullan, UHS, for inviting us to be part of their audience. It was great for the students to view two contrasting performances on the same day, and for us as teachers to see some familiar faces of ex-students at both campuses.
Year 5 teachers - Tash, Mr Fidge, Mr Bryce
I love that they gave us riddles. - Adya, N1
Wow! What an amazing experience. I loved all the comedy and how they made their lines sound so real. - Max M, N1
I loved the acting and the actors’ facial expressions. They made it look amazing and I’m very excited for the next two plays. - Eshaal, N1
I liked the part when the granny 'ran' away. - Louis, N2
I thought it was really funny, especially the Kung Fu Fighting. - Aiden, N2
I enjoyed the Kung Fu fighting because it looked realistic. - Maraia, N2

In the OSHC office in the gym, we have a lot of lost property items that we are hoping to give back to the right children. Some of these items may also have been left behind from PE, or left on the deck after recess or lunch.
If your child is missing something and it isn't in the school's lost property, please come past the gym to check if we have it at OSHC. Below are a couple of photos showing some of the items we've sorted through recently.
Happy Haven OSHC Mitcham
We're excited to share details of the upcoming Mitcham Girls High School Winter Dance Showcase!
This event is a fantastic opportunity for primary school parents to experience a highlight of MGHS, especially if they are interested in our Dance program. Tickets are available here: https://www.trybooking.com/CSACQ.

Please see below the upcoming important dates and school events for the remainder of Term 2 2024.
Friday 24th May | School disco |
Wednesday 29th May | Parent Rep Meeting |
Monday 10th June | King's Birthday public holiday |
Thursday 13th June | Kidz Biz Parent presentation |
Wednesday 3rd July | Student reports sent home |
Friday 5th July | End of Term 2 - Early Dismissal 2.15pm |