Mitcham Primary School has a strong history of participation in the Sapsasa competition. Sapsasa runs a series of Knock-Out Competitions, State Carnivals, and State Championships, in which the school nominates individuals and teams for competition.
In some sports, competition is run in district championships. This can lead to state and interstate representation for successful students. Other Sapsasa sporting competitions are run with the support of the relevant sporting bodies in Adelaide.
Sapsasa outlines the philosophy and rationale, together with the guiding principles underlying this broad-based program.
All competitions are run under the association's strict Codes of Behaviour. Please refer to the Sapsasa website
Sapsasa Selection Criteria
The following processes are consistently and transparently applied when selecting students for Sapsasa teams at Mitcham Primary School.
Year 6 students have first priority in selection ahead of Year 5. However, it should be noted that Year 5 students could and should be selected before Year 6 students, if in the opinion of the school’s Physical Education teacher(s), they are performing at a higher level. Team sport selection will be limited to students in their 10th year or older.
Correspondence to Parents
All correspondence in relation to Sapsasa selection is to go via the school’s Sports Convener (Assistant Principal) and approved by the Principal before being circulated to parents.
At least one staff member must be involved in every Sapsasa selection process. Selection is based on an elite level of ability and commitment during instruction in Physical Education lessons and during internal trials.
Selection Decisions
The Principal has the ultimate selection decision, on advice from staff.
The school will nominate the sports in a given year. This decision will remain with staff and relate to sports covered in Physical Education lessons, and the follow up selection for competition, if at an adequate level. It will also depend on the talent pool in any given sport that year.
Further Opportunities
If parents feel that their child is an elite athlete, in a particular sport that the school does not offer, they are able to access the Sapsasa website for independent registration. All registration applications must be supported by the classroom teacher and Principal prior to enrollment.
Participation in Sapsasa Sports
Students may participate in Cross Country, Touch, and Athletics events and further nominate for a maximum of two District team sports representing the school.
All notifications on team selection, times and conditions of competition, must be distributed by the school and signed off by the Principal. Teachers must be notified in advance when their students will be absent from school. Students are supplied with information from the Physical Education teacher(s) as to which event(s) they are eligible for.
The Principal has the ultimate decision on appointment of coaches.
Sapsasa has an equal playing time policy incorporated into all of its competitions, including Knock-Out Competitions.
Managers/coaches will be held responsible for the behaviour of their players and spectators at all matches in this competition. To this end, copies of the Sapsasa Code of Behaviour are required to be distributed to the managers and coaches.
A teacher, or a supervisor approved by the Principal, must accompany every selected school team.
Selection Venues
Teams for all sports will be selected on school grounds and at lunch time, or in Physical Education lessons. This means that no child can miss out by not hearing about a particular trial, or not being able to attend a session organised after school.
Once a team has been selected, no changes will occur, except for injury or other clashing commitments.
Policy Update and Review
The school council and staff regularly monitor and review the effectiveness of the Sapsasa policy (at least every three years) and revise the policy when required.
Policy last reviewed May 2020. Next review May 2023.